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Brake Lever, BMW R2V models from 09/80

Brake Lever, BMW R2V models from 09/80
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Brake Lever R2V   from 09/80 up

All Models 1981-1991 with rectangular Brake container


R45 R65 R65LS  9/1980  up

R80/7 R80RT R80 R100/7 R100S R100RS R100RT R100CS  9/1980 upü

R80G/S R80ST R65GS R65 R80 R80RT R100RT R100RS Monolever

R80GS R100GS R100GS-PD up to `91  with rectangular Brake container

for comparison 32721242555

(1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991)

Art.No.: 32.99.702

81,80 EUR
(68,74 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

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