- Cabels / Clutch / Throttle / Choke
- Handle Units / Rubbers / Mounting Parts Handle Units
- Handlebars
- Mirrors
- Used parts
- Various Parts
Heated handle, right, BMW R2V K2V
Not for handlebar with balance weight !!!
fits BMW
R60/6 R75/6 R90/6 R90S R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R80RT R80 R100/7 R100S R100RS R100RT R100CS
R45 R65 R65LS
R80G/S R80ST R65GS R65 R80 R80RT R100RT R100RS Monolever
R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD R80R R100R R100RMystik R80GS Basic Paralever
for comp: 61311243978 / 61312300388
Product.Nr.: 32.72.817
Heated handle, left, BMW R2V K2V
R60/6 R75/6 R90/6 R90S R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R80RT R80 R100/7 R100S R100RS R100RT R100CS
R45 R65 R65LS
R80G/S R80ST R65GS R65 R80 R80RT R100RT R100RS Monolever
R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD R80R R80R Mystik R100R R100RMystik R80GS Basic Paralever
(1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996)
Product.Nr.: 32.72.816
Cruise Control Bolt, BMW R+K models
Cruise Control
Adjusting screw for throttle, prevents that the throttle grip rolls back by itself, works like a cruise controll.
Fits BMW GS und R `91 up
R80GS R100GS R80GS R100GS-PD R80R R80R Mystik R100R R100RMystik R80GS Basic Paralever`91 up
K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT ( 90HP Models)
Product.Nr.: 32.72.790
Throttle twist grip, open end, BMW R2V K2V K4V
fits BMW R80R R100R
K100, K100RT,L100LT
For comparison 32721451732
Product.Nr.: 32.72.130
Cruise Control Bolt 50/5-100GS
Cruise Control
Adjusting screw for throttle, prevents that the throttle grip rolls back by itself, works like a cruise controll.
R45 R65 R65LS
R50/5 R60/5 R75/5 R60/6 R75/6 R90/6 R90S R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R80RT R80 R100/7 R100S R100RS R100RT R100CS
R80G/S R80ST R65GS R65 R80 R80RT R100RT R100RS Monolever
R80GS R100GS R80GS R100GS-PD R80R R80R Mystik R100R R100RMystik R80GS Basic Paralever K75 K75/2 K75C K75RT K75S
K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT ( 90HP models)
Product.Nr.: 32.99.309
Hand lever mounting, BMW R2V K, R4V
Suitable for BMW
on both sides right/left, brake lever and clutch lever for
Paralever models R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD R80R R100R R100R Mystik R80GS Basic
K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT K75 K75C K75/2 K75S K75RT K1 K100RS16V K1100LT K1100RS
left clutch lever
R850R R850GS R850RT R1100GS R1100RS R1100R R1100RT
for comp: 32721451749 32721451796 32721230871
Product.Nr.: 32.72.749
Cap for lever choke, BMW R2V models from 09/80, K2V K4V, R4V
R45 R65 R65LS
R80/7 R80RT R80 R100RS R100RT R100CS
R65GS R80G/S R80ST
Monolever models R65 R80 R80RT R100RS R100RT
Paralever models R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD R80R R100R R100R Mystik R80GS Basic
K75 K75C K75/2 K75S K75RT
K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT
K1 K100RS16V K1100LT K1100RS
R850R R850GS R850RT R1100GS R1100RS R1100R R1100RT
for comparison 32721451975
Product.Nr.: 32.72.975
Slotted cable adjusters, silver, for clutch and brake cable, BMW R2V K2V K4V, R4V
Slotted cable adjusters silver, for clutch and brake cable
incl knurled nut
For brake cable / HBZ under tank
BMW R75/6 R90/6 R90S R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R100S R100RS R100RT
For clutch cable
BMW R50/5 R60/5 R75/5 R60/6 R75/6 R90/6 R90S R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R80RT R80 R100/7 R100S R100RS R100RT R100CS R45 R65 R65LS R80G/S R80ST R65GS R65 R80 R80RT R100RT R100RS Monolever R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD
R80R R80R Mystik R100R R100RMystik R80GS Basic Paralever
BMW K75 K75/2 K75C K75RT K75S K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT K1 K100RS4V K1100RS K1100LT
BMW R850GS R1100GS R850R R1100R R1100RS R1100RT
Product.Nr.: 32.72.856
Felt for slotted cable adjusters for clutch and brake cable, BMW R2V K2V K4V, R4V
Felt for slotted cable adjusters for clutch and brake cable
For brake cable / HBZ under tank
BMW R75/6 R90/6 R90S R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R100S R100RS R100RT
For clutch cable
BMW R50/5 R60/5 R75/5 R60/6 R75/6 R90/6 R90S R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R80RT R80 R100/7 R100S R100RS R100RT R100CS R45 R65 R65LS R80G/S R80ST R65GS R65 R80 R80RT R100RT R100RS Monolever R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD
R80R R80R Mystik R100R R100RMystik R80GS Basic Paralever
BMW K75 K75/2 K75C K75RT K75S K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT K1 K100RS4V K1100RS K1100LT
BMW R850GS R1100GS R850R R1100R R1100RS R1100RT
For comparison 32721231610
Product.Nr.: 32.72.610
Cable adjuster (set), silver, for clutch and brake cable, BMW R2V K2V K4V, R4V
Cable adjusters silver, for clutch and brake cable
incl knurled nut
without slot
For brake cable / HBZ under tank
BMW R75/6 R90/6 R90S R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R100S R100RS R100RT
For clutch cable
BMW R50/5 R60/5 R75/5 R60/6 R75/6 R90/6 R90S R60/7 R75/7 R80/7 R80RT R80 R100/7 R100S R100RS R100RT R100CS R45 R65 R65LS R80G/S R80ST R65GS R65 R80 R80RT R100RT R100RS Monolever R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD
R80R R80R Mystik R100R R100RMystik R80GS Basic Paralever
BMW K75 K75/2 K75C K75RT K75S K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT K1 K100RS4V K1100RS K1100LT
BMW R850GS R1100GS R850R R1100R R1100RS R1100RT
Product.Nr.: 32.72.855
Cover for cam disk-throttle twist grip,BMW Paralever from 91 and all BMW K75/100-2V models
For BMW Paralever models R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD after 91 and R80R R100R R100R Mystik R80GS Basic
BMW K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT K75 K75C K75/2 K75S K75RT
For comparison 32721457037
Product.Nr.: 32.72.037
Cam disk for throttle twist grip,BMW Paralever from 91 and all BMW K75/100-2V models
Cam disk for throttle twist grip / Throttle bevel and chain
Cam disk is for 2 throttle cables
Paralever models R80GS R100GS R100GS PD ab 91 und R80R R100R R100R Mystik R80GS Basic
K75 K75C K75/2 K75S K75RT
K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT
Cam disk and throttle twist grip 3272129 should be changed togethter
For comparison 32721457036
Product.Nr.: 32.72.036
Cam disk for throttle twist grip, from 09/80, 40er carburetor and K models
Cam disk for throttle twist grip, from 09/80, 40mm /32mm carburetor and K models
Cam disk for throttle twist grip / Throttle bevel and chain
For 40er carburetor from 09/80-09/84
also suitable for 32 carburettors, then results in less turning angle on the throttle grip
R100 R100RS R100RT R100CS 09/80-09/84
R80 R80RT 09/80-09/84
R80G/S R65GS R80ST
BMW K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT K75 K75C K75/2 K75S K75RT
Cam disk and throttle twist grip 3272129 should be changed togethter
Only suitable for cover, new design - see 3272050 and 3272037
For comparison 32721457081
Product.Nr.: 32.72.081
Combination switch right, BMW K2V models
Combination switch/Handlebar switchgear
right, BMW K2V models
light switch at unit
For BMW K75 K75/2 K75C K75RT K75S K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT
For comparison 61311459462
(1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991)
Unfortunately, the left side is no longer available as a new part
Product.Nr.: 61.31.462
Handle housing right, BMW R2V Paralever und BMW K75 K100
Paralever models R80GS R100GS R100GS PD after 1991 only with new style turn signal switch
Paralever models R80R R100R R100R Mystik
K75 K75/2 K75C K75RT K75S
K100 K100/2 K100RS(2V) K100RT K100LT
for comparison 32721451734
Product.Nr.: 32.99.734
Brake and Cluth Levers shorty TÜV approves, BMW R2V Paralever models und K2V models
Brake and Cluth Levers long TÜV approved
The levers can be adjusted in length by 35mm
Depending on the model, the fully extended state corresponds approximately to the original length.
Adjustable in 6 positions
K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT - only motorcycles without ABS
for comparison 32721451700 32721457058
Product.Nr.: 32.72.100
Clutch Lever R2V , R4V, K75-1100
R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD Year 1991 up with "new" tunsignal switches
all R80R R80R Mystik R100R
all R850GS R1100GS R850R R1100R R1100RS R1100RT
all K75 K75/2 K75C K75RT K75S K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT K1 K100RS4V K1100RS K1100LT
for comparison 32721451700
Product.Nr.: 32.99.700
Set Flasher push-button,black BMW R2V K, R4V models
BMW Paralever models R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD R80R R100R R100R Mystik R80GS Basic
BMW K100 K100/2 K100RS K100RT K100LT K75 K75C K75/2 K75S K75RT K1 K100RS16V K1100LT K1100RS
BMW R850R R850GS R850RT R1100GS R1100RS R1100R R1100RT
Product.Nr.: 61.21.559