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Mirror, plastic, right/left, short arm, R2V, K75/100 from 09/80

Mirror, plastic, right/left, short arm, R2V, K75/100 from 09/80
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Mirror, plastic, right/left, short arm, R2V, K75/100 from 09/80

Mirror, plastic, right /left, short arm

Thread length 35mm

all Boxer 09/1980 and
all K75/100

Standard installed at BMW R80GS R100GS R100GS PD to 90

For comparison 51162302176

Original dimension

Art.No.: 51.99.176-D

37,50 EUR
(31,51 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

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