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HAGON Suspension damper "Road", set

HAGON Suspension damper "Road", set
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HAGON Suspension damper "Road" set

All /5 - /7 R2V Boxer models up to 12/84 with two shocks

Distance between screws  340 mm

Timeless, classical design, with latest technology, extremely leakproof rods, 3-way adjustable spring tension, with hook wrench.

Due to the different length, these struts are supplied with a strength report.  Max. compressed  could grind the rear wheel in the wheel arch on the fender and such
cause a fall. Check for clearance of movement after installation!

Art.No.: 33.53.916-340

319,00 EUR
(268,07 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

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