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Vehicle Electrical System

Self-fusing repair tape

Self-fusing repair tape

made from PIB (polyisobutylene) and rubber.

POWERBAND is easy to handle and to apply, non-sticky.


- Sel-welding into a homogeneous insulation

- Excellent water and ozone resistance

- Shock-resistant and tear-resistant

- Can be used even on soiled parts


- Various repair jobs in the automotive sector, i.e. on radiator and engine hoses, ignition cables, and for manufacturing gaskets or fittings (even for exhaust)

- For sealing water hoses and water pipes

- Repairs of electric cables, plugs

- For the insulation and impregnation of electrical components

- Protects metal pipes from corrosion

Technical specifications

- Length: 5 m - Width: 19 mm - Thickness: 0.50 mm - Color: Black

- Temperature range: -40 ° C to + 90 ° C

Art.No.: 71.99.014

13,10 EUR
(11,01 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Ignition security bolt fitment tool, BMW R4V-K4V-R1200 Modelle

Ignition security bolt fitment tool, BMW R4V-K4V-R1200 Modelle

see picture 4

Suitable for item 5125812
R850GS R1100GS R850R R1100R R1100RS R1100RT R1100S
R1150GS R1150GS Adventure R11500RS R1150RT R1150R R1150Rockster R850C R1200C
BMW K1 K100RS4V K1100RS K1100LT

K589 K1200RS model 1997-2000 (0544,0554)
K1200LT model 1999-2003 (0545,0555)
K1200LT model 2004-2008 (0549,0559)
K41 K1200RS model 2001-2005 (0547,0557)
K1200GT model 2001-2005 (0548,0558)

all K25 R1200GS und R1200GS Adventure models
all K26 R1200RT models
all K27 R1200R models
K28 R1200ST (0328,0338)
K29 R1200S (0366,0396)

Art.No.: 51.25.822

31,85 EUR
(26,76 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Safety screw (set) for the steering lock housing, BMW R4V-K4V-R1200 Modelle

Safety screw (set) for the steering lock housing

Assembly tools can be found under No. 5125822
BMW R850GS R1100GS R850R R1100R R1100RS R1100RT R1100S R1150GS R1150GS Adventure R11500RS R1150RT R1150R R1150Rockster R850C R1200C
BMW K1 K100RS4V K1100RS K1100LT
K589 K1200RS model 1997-2000 (0544,0554)
K1200LT model 1999-2003 (0545,0555)
K1200LT model 2004-2008 (0549,0559)
K41 K1200RS model 2001-2005 (0547,0557)
K1200GT model 2001-2005 (0548,0558)

all K25 R1200GS und R1200GS Adventure models
all K26 R1200RT models
all K27 R1200R models
K28 R1200ST (0328,0338)
K29 R1200S (0366,0396)

for comparison 51257711811

Art.No.: 51.25.812

11,40 EUR
(9,58 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

EXIDE Battery GEL 12Volt 19AH maintenance free

EXIDE Hi Power battery maintenance free
Battery GEL 12V 21AH

Size in mm L 180 B 75 H 170

R50/5 R60/5 R75/5 R45 R65 R65LS R80G/S R80ST R65GS R65 Monolever
also fits R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD R80R R80R Mystik R100R R100RMystik R80GS Basic Paralever

K75 K75/2 K75C K75RT K75S K1100RS K1100LT
R850R R850GS R1100R R1100RS R1100RT R1100GS, R1100S R1150GS R11500RS R1150RT R1150R R1150Rockster R1200C R1200GS
R1200GS (K25), R1200R (K27), R1200RT (K26), R1200ST (K28), RnineT (K21), R1200S (K29)

Size in mm L 180 B 75 H 170

Achtung: Hinweispflicht nach dem Batteriegesetz:

Art.No.: 61.21.808

143,78 EUR
(120,82 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Battery GEL 12Volt 21AH maintenance free

Hi Power battery maintnace free
Battery GEL 12V 21AH
R50/5 R60/5 R75/5 R45 R65 R65LS R80G/S R80ST R65GS R65 Monolever
also fits R80GS R100GS R80GS PD R100GS PD R80R R80R Mystik R100R R100RMystik R80GS Basic Paralever

K75 K75/2 K75C K75RT K75S K1100RS K1100LT
R850R R850GS R1100R R1100RS R1100RT R1100GS, R1100S R1150GS R11500RS R1150RT R1150R R1150Rockster R1200C R1200GS
R1200GS (K25), R1200R (K27), R1200RT (K26), R1200ST (K28), RnineT (K21), R1200S (K29)

Size in mm L 180 B 75 H 170

Pfand for Batterien

Achtung: Hinweispflicht nach dem Batteriegesetz: Laut Batterieverordnung §18 des Bundesministeriums for Umwelt, ist jeder Verkäufer von Kfz.-Starterbatterien gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet, ein Pfand von Euro 7,50 zu erheben, wenn im Gegenzug keine alte Batterie des gleichen Typs abgegeben wird. Zusammen mit Ihrer Batterie erhalten Sie von uns einen Batterie-Pfand-Gutschein im Wert von Euro 7,50. Ihre alte Batterie geben Sie bitte zusammen mit dem Pfand-Gutschein in unserem Ladengeschäft after and bekommen den Betrag erstattet. Altbatterien gehören nicht in den Hausmüll. Sie sind als verbraucher zur Rückgabe von Altbatterien gesetzlich verpflichtet. Wohnen Sie nicht in unserer Nähe, so nehmen die regionalen Recyclinghöfe die alte Batterie entgegen. Lassen Sie sich dies bitte auf der Rückseite des Pfand-Gutscheines abstempeln. Den Pfand-Gutschein senden Sie uns dann ein, wir überweisen Ihnen den Betrag - so einfach geht das. Alte Batterien dürfen (wegen der Säure - Gefahrengut!!) nicht per Post verschickt werden! Schadstoffhaltige Batterien sind mit einem Zeichen, bestehend aus einer durchgestrichenen Mülltonne and dem chemischen Symbol ( Cd for Cadmium, Hg for Quecksilber and Pb for Blei) des for die Einstufung als schadstoffhaltig ausschlaggebenden Schwermetalls versehen.

Art.No.: 61.21.805

99,00 EUR
(83,19 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Lithium Ion Battery

Lithium Ion Battery

Length 181mm Width 77mm High 170mm

about the same size as a Hawker Odyssey or thew regular 19/21 Amp Battery

- weight 1,7 kg
- mount in any position
- built-in balancer
- fast charging possible (up to 90% in 6 min)
- long life battery
- same dimensions as original 19AH batterie mm 181x77x170
- maintenace free
- safe up to 5kg for comparison d to a regular batterie

This Battery is a replacement for 19/21 AH Batterie ( for example Hawker PC 680)

Pfand für Batterien

Achtung: Hinweispflicht nach dem Batteriegesetz: Laut Batterieverordnung §18 des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, ist jeder Verkäufer von Kfz.-Starterbatterien gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet, ein Pfand von Euro 7,50 zu erheben, wenn im Gegenzug keine alte Batterie des gleichen Typs abgegeben wird. Zusammen mit Ihrer Batterie erhalten Sie von uns einen Batterie-Pfand-Gutschein im Wert von Euro 7,50. Ihre alte Batterie geben Sie bitte zusammen mit dem Pfand-Gutschein in unserem Ladengeschäft after and bekommen den Betrag erstattet. Altbatterien gehören nicht in den Hausmüll. Sie sind als verbraucher zur Rückgabe von Altbatterien gesetzlich verpflichtet. Wohnen Sie nicht in unserer Nähe, so nehmen die regionalen Recyclinghöfe die alte Batterie entgegen. Lassen Sie sich dies bitte auf der Rückseite des Pfand-Gutscheines abstempeln. Den Pfand-Gutschein senden Sie uns dann ein, wir überweisen Ihnen den Betrag - so einfach geht das. Alte Batterien dürfen (wegen der Säure - Gefahrengut!!) nicht per Post verschickt werden! Schadstoffhaltige Batterien sind mit einem Zeichen, bestehend aus einer durchgestrichenen Mülltonne and dem chemischen Symbol ( Cd für Cadmium, Hg für Quecksilber and Pb für Blei) des für die Einstufung als schadstoffhaltig ausschlaggebenden Schwermetalls versehen.

Art.No.: 61.68.1

220,05 EUR
(184,92 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Electrical circuit diagrams CD (from Windows2000) BMW R4V K4V F C1 from 1993-2008

Electrical circuit diagrams CD (from Windows2000) BMW models 1993-2008
This article is not available anymore

Multilingual from Windows2000
German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Dutch, Greek, Russian, Portuguese and Japanese
R850GS R1100GS R1150GS R1150 GS Adventure R850R R1100R R1150R R1150R Ropckster
R1100S R1100RS R1150RT R850RT R1100RT R1150RT R850C R1200C R1200C Montauk R1200C Independent R1200CL
K25 R1200GS Modelle 2004-2009 (0307,0317,0303,0313)
K25 R1200GS Adventure Modelle 2006-2009 (0382,0397,0380,0390)
K25 HP2 Enduro (0369)
K25 Hp" Megamoto (0310)
K26 R1200RT Modelle 2005-2009 (0368,0388)
K27 R1200R Modelle 2006-2010 (0378,0398)
K28 R1200ST (0328,0338)
K29 R1200S (0366,0396)
K29 HP2 Sport (0458)
K1100RS K1100LT
K589 K1200RS Modelle 1997-2000 (0544,0554)
alle K1200LT Modelle 1999-2003 (0545,0555,0549,0559)
K40 K1200S (0581)
K41 K1200RS Modelle 2001-2005 (0547,0557)
K1200GT Modelle 2001-2005 (0548,0558)
K43 K1200R (0584)
K43HV K1200R Sport (0585)
K44 K1200GT (0587)
F650 F650ST F650GS F650GS Dakar
K15 G650 Xchallange (0165)
K15 G650 Xcountry (0164, 0141)
K15 G650 Xmoto (0167)
K72 F650GS (0218)
K72 F800GS (0219)
K72 F800S (0216)
K72 F800ST (0234)
C1,C1 200

Art.No.: 71.51.306

0,00 EUR
(0,00 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Wall Tubing

Shrink Tubing, 127pieces
up to +125°C

- Set in Box

Set ( Ø x length in mm):
- 30 pc = 2,0 x 40 mm
- 25 pc = 2,5 x 40 mm
- 20 pc = 3,5 x 40 mm
- 20 pc = 5,0 x 40 mm
- 16 pc = 7,0 x 80 mm
- 8 pc = 10,0 x 80 mm
- 8 pc = 13,0 x 85 mm

Art.No.: 71.99.027

18,25 EUR
(15,34 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Heated grip, right, BMW R1200GS R1200GS Adventure 2008-2013

Heated grip, right, BMW R1200GS R1200GS Adventure 2008-2013
K25 R1200GS models 2008-2012 (0303,0313,0450,460)
K25 R1200GS Adventure models 2008-2013(0380,0390,0470,0480)
For comparison 61317695470

Art.No.: 61.31.470

147,99 EUR
(124,36 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Brakelight switch rear, BMW R4V R1100S, R1150 and R1200 models with Integral ABS

Brakelight switch/Micro switch rear


For BMW models with Integral ABS

R1100S R1150GS R1150RS R1150RT R1150R R1150Rockster R850C R1200C

K26 R1200RT models 2005-2009 (0368,0388)
K27 R1200R models 2006-2010 (0378,0398)
K29 R1200S

For comparison 61312305988

Art.No.: 61.31.988

63,95 EUR
(53,74 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Light Bulb H7 LED motorcycle headlight bulb

H7 LED motorcycle headlight bulb

electricity 18 watts
Replaces 55W lamp

Upgrade to street legal LED* for excellent visibility

Experience a unique driving experience with the street legal LED lamps.
Permitted vehicles see PDF in download

With up to 230% brighter light** and a daylight-like white beam, these LED lights illuminate everything clearly without blinding oncoming drivers.
Please pay attention to the construction depth!

The driver must always download the registration using the QR code on the box and then carry it with him in or on the vehicle.

Art.No.: 63.99.645

89,90 EUR
(75,55 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Light Bulb H4 LED motorcycle headlight bulb

H4 LED motorcycle headlight bulb

Philips Ultinon Pro6000 HL

Replaces 55/60W bulb

18 watts

Upgrade to street legal LED* for excellent visibility

Experience a unique driving experience with the street legal LED lamps.
Permitted vehicles see PDF in download

With up to 230% brighter light** and a daylight-like white beam, these LED lights illuminate everything clearly without blinding oncoming drivers.
Please pay attention to the construction depth!

The driver must always download the registration using the QR code on the box and then carry it with him in or on the vehicle.

Art.No.: 63.99.643

94,50 EUR
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Light Bulb H4 12V60/55W OSRAM Night Breaker 200

Bulb H4 12V60/55W OSRAM
Night Breaker 200

  • The most powerful halogen light from OSRAM
  • Reach the next light level: with NIGHT BREAKER 200 - the brightest halogen car lamp from OSRAM!
  • Up to 200% more brightness.
  • Up to 20% whiter light compared to the legal minimum requirements.
  • Produces a cone of light up to 150 m long.
  • More light and better visibility can help drivers see and react to traffic hazards faster.
  • The ideal lamp for drivers who appreciate the difference that powerful vehicle lighting makes.
  • H4,
  • Voltage/ Wattage 12 V, 60/55 W

For comparison 63121354619

Art.No.: 63.99.660

21,65 EUR
(18,19 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

H4 Light Bulb 60/55W

H4 Bulb 60/55W

For comparison 63121354619

Art.No.: 63.99.620

7,50 EUR
(6,30 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Battery Charger JMP Skan 8.0

Battery charger and trickle charger 2-8 Amps charging

Microprocessor-controlled high-tech battery charger of the latest generation with 8 charging levels.
Both for fast charging of a battery and for long-term maintenance charging, e.g. when vehicles are wintered.

Suitable for:

• Standard lead acid
• gel
• Lithium (LiFePO4)

Technical specifications:

• 12 V / 2-8 A Charging
• for batteries from 5 Ah to 160AH
• Low voltage detection: 0.7V
• Overcharge protection, reverse polarity protection
• Splashproof and dustproof (IP65)
• Dimensions: 230x100x65mm
• Weight: 1,0kg
• Power cord: 2 m
• Connection cable: 2.10 m

Scope of delivery:

• JMP Skan 8.0
• Adapter cable with clamps
• Adapter cable with ring eyelets for permanent connection to the battery
• Adapter cable for on-board socket (CAN bus)
Picture similar !

Art.No.: 63.21.076

89,90 EUR
(75,55 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Battery Charger JMP Skan 4.0

Battery charger and trickle charger

Microprocessor-controlled high-tech battery charger of the latest generation with 8 charging levels.
Both for fast charging of a battery and for long-term maintenance charging, e.g. when vehicles are wintered.

Suitable for:

• Standard lead acid
• gel
• Lithium (LiFePO4)

Technical specifications:

• 12 V / 1 - 4 A
• for batteries from 4 Ah to 120AH
• Low voltage detection: 0.7V
• Overcharge protection, reverse polarity protection
• Splashproof and dustproof (IP65)
• Dimensions: 190 x 80 x 50 mm
• Weight: 0.75 kg
• Power cord: 2 m
• Connection cable: 2.10 m

Scope of delivery:

• JMP Skan 4.0
• Adapter cable with clamps
• Adapter cable with ring eyelets for permanent connection to the battery
• Adapter cable for on-board socket (CAN bus)

Art.No.: 63.21.075

71,70 EUR
(60,25 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Universal plug

The plug will fit with the red cap in cigarette outlets,
with the cap removed (bayonet) board sockets.

With screw and solder connection.

Art.No.: 61.99.944

9,00 EUR
(7,56 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs


DIN charging plug with screw connection, for onboard charging

A stable universal DIN plug with removable outer housing (without tools). to unscrew
The cable receptacles are screwed and do not need to be soldered
For socket outlets according to DIN ISO4165 (eg BMW socket)
Schaub connections

Art.No.: 61.99.106

7,50 EUR
(6,30 EUR EX VAT, for none EU countries)
Incl. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs

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